The most common mistakes that damage your style

Not sure what clothes to wear or how to combine it? Business Insider lists here the worst mistakes that men have about fashion and style.

1. “Slim men should wear flared pants (boot cut) to make their legs look wider.” This could not be further from the truth. The boot cut pants, which are slightly flared as if they were made to wear high boots, are the worst choice for the skinniest men. Not only will not make your legs look wider, but the flared cut at the bottom of the legs will make it look more disheveled than a straight or tight cut trousers.

2. “Shirts are supposed to be loose on the shoulders and chest.” The shirts are not supposed to be loose. They’re supposed to look good! A good rule of thumb is to put on a shirt that fits as best as possible to your body, always giving freedom of movement to your arms.

3. “I always thought that wearing formal clothes would automatically mean dressing well.” A common mistake is to think that dressing elegantly is the equivalent of dressing well. However, these two concepts are completely unrelated as a man who has the wit to wear casual clothes can look better than a man who always wears a disheveled suit. Also, always be careful to dress appropriately depending on the occasion.

4. “I thought that having money to buy ‘haute couture’ brands meant looking good and being fashionable.” Many of the “prestigious” brands of shopping centers are seen as “quality” firms, but in reality they sell expensive, shoddy clothes covered with flashy logos. Abercrombie & Fitch and Armani Exchange are two great examples. Learning which brands to avoid and which brands are worth their price is a crucial step on the road to dressing better.

5. “Shorts are dumb and should only be worn by children under 12 or athletes.” Most men are now aware that shorts or shorts are perfect for use in the warmer months, and are even acceptable in some more casual office environments. Just remember to avoid Bermuda shorts.