How to Combine the Socks and the Suit

Today we want to talk about how to combine the socks according to the suit that is worn, since it is something that many people do not perform correctly for various reasons. The socks should be combined with the texture of the costume fabric and we should never wear short socks with a suit. A basic rule is that the color of the socks should be similar to the color of the pants, and not of the shoes, this being a mistake that many people make.

With the dark suits in general, the socks that work best are the dark blue without becoming black, although getting to black is not something that will be too out of tune.

For the gray and blue suits the garnet is your best choice. You will see how you get as a result a combination that works perfectly.

For the plain suits as well as the plain socks models we can also play with the stripes, especially the vertical ones that go along with the rib. The rib is the elastic knitted fabric made by hand or machine that on one of its sides forms a kind of grooves arranged in parallel; It is mainly used for elastic cuffs and cuffs

For printed suits the socks must be smooth so as not to cause more distortion in the look.